Two Mechanisms for Mannose-binding Protein Modulation of the Activity of Its Associated Serine Proteases

Serum mannose-binding protein (MBP) neutralizes invading microorganisms by binding to cell surface carbohydrates and activating MBP-associated serine proteases-1, -2, and -3 (MASPs). MASP-2 subsequently cleaves complement components C2 and C4 to activate the complement cascade. To analyze the mechanisms of activation and substrate recognition by MASP-2, zymogen and activated forms have been produced, and MBP·MASP-2 complexes have been created. These preparations have been used to show that MBP modulates MASP-2 activity in two ways. First, MBP stimulates MASP-2 autoactivation by increasing the rate of autocatalysis when MBP·MASP-2 complexes bind to a glycan-coated surface. Second, MBP occludes accessory C4-binding sites on MASP-2 until activation occurs. Once these sites become exposed, MASP-2 binds to C4 while separate structural changes create a functional catalytic site able to cleave C4. Only activated MASP-2 binds to C2, suggesting that this substrate interacts only near the catalytic site and not at accessory sites. MASP-1 cleaves C2 almost as efficiently as MASP-2 does, but it does not cleave C4. Thus MASP-1 probably enhances complement activation triggered by MBP·MASP-2 complexes, but it cannot initiate activation itself.