Fluoroscopically-guided indirect posterior reduction and fixation of thoracolumbar burst fractures without fusion

This article presents an evaluation of fluoroscopy for indirect, posterior reduction and fixation of thoracolumbar burst fractures. A prospective study of 25 patients with thoracolumbar burst fractures who underwent C-arm machine-guided posterior indirect reduction and short segment fixation without fusion is described. No laminotomies were performed. All patients had a mean follow-up of 30.4 months. At postoperative review, the average anterior and posterior vertebral heights were corrected from 57.9% to 99.0% and 89.0% to 99.5%, respectively. The Cobb angle was corrected from 18.4° to 0.17°. The canal compromise ratio was improved from 35.2% to 8.6%. In all 25 cases, neurological status was intact at last follow-up. Fluoroscopy guidance is an effective method to accomplish indirect reduction and fixation. Reduction was confirmed on lateral fluoroscopic views by looking for a “one-line sign,” which is the reconstitution of the posterior border of the vertebral body.

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