Modeling Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Survey Experiments with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees

Survey experimenters routinely test for systematically varying treatment effects by using interaction terms between the treatment indicator and covariates. Parametric models, such as linear or logistic regression, are currently used to search for systematic treatment effect heterogeneity but suffer from several shortcomings; in particular, the potential for bias due to model misspecification and the large amount of discretion they introduce into the analysis of experimental data. Here, we explicate what we believe to be a better approach. Drawing on the statistical learning literature, we discuss Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART), a method for analyzing treatment effect heterogeneity. BART automates the detection of nonlinear relationships and interactions, thereby reducing researchers’ discretion when analyzing experimental data. These features make BART an appealing “off-the-shelf” tool for survey experimenters who want to model systematic treatment effect heterogeneity in a flexible and robust manner. In order to illustrate how BART can be used to detect and model heterogeneous treatment effects, we reanalyze a well-known survey experiment on welfare attitudes from the General Social Survey.