Nondimensional transport scaling in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor: Is tokamak transport Bohm or gyro-Bohm?

General plasma physics principles state that power flow Q(r) through a magnetic surface in a tokamak should scale as Q(r)= {32π2Rr3Te2c nea/[eB (a2r2)2]} F(ρ*,β,ν*,r/a,q,s,r/R,...) where the arguments of F are local, nondimensional plasma parameters and nondimensional gradients. This paper reports an experimental determination of how F varies with normalized gyroradius ρ*≡(2TeMi)1/2c/eBa and collisionality ν*≡(R/r)3/2qRνe(me/ 2Te)1/2 for discharges prepared so that other nondimensional parameters remain close to constant. Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [D. M. Meade et al., in Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 1990, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, Washington (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1991), Vol. 1, p. 9] L‐mode data show F to be independent of ρ* and numerically small, corresponding to Bohm scaling with a small multiplicative constant. By contrast, most theories predict gyro‐Bohm scaling: F∝ρ*. Bohm scaling implies that the largest scale size for microinstability turbulence depends on machine size. Analysis of a collisionality scan finds Bohm‐normalized power flow to be independent of collisionality. Implications for future theory, experiment, and reactor extrapolations are discussed.