The H-NS protein silences thepypregulatory network ofYersinia enterocoliticaand is involved in controlling biofilm formation

Horizontal gene transfer plays an important role in bacterial evolution. DNA acquired by horizontal gene transfer has to be incorporated into existing regulatory networks. The histone-like nucleoid structuring protein H-NS acts as a silencer of horizontally acquired genes to avoid potential damage. However, specific regulators can overcome H-NS repression, resulting in the integration of newly acquired genes into existing regulatory networks. Here, we analyzed the influence of H-NS on the transcription of the Yersinia enterocolitica hreP gene and its regulators pypA, pypB, and pypC by establishing a dominant-negative H-NS version. Using transcriptional fusions and electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we show that H-NS silences hreP, pypA, pypB, and pypC by direct interactions. While the H-NS antagonist RovA activates pypC, it has no effect on pypA and pypB. Furthermore, H-NS affects biofilm formation in Y. enterocolitica.