An eIF4AIII-containing complex required for mRNA localization and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay

The specification of both the germ line and abdomen in Drosophila depends on the localization of oskar messenger RNA to the posterior of the oocyte1,2. This localization requires several trans-acting factors, including Barentsz and the Mago–Y14 heterodimer, which assemble with oskar mRNA into ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) and localize with it at the posterior pole3,4,5,6,7. Although Barentsz localization in the germ line depends on Mago–Y14, no direct interaction between these proteins has been detected5. Here, we demonstrate that the translation initiation factor eIF4AIII interacts with Barentsz and is a component of the oskar messenger RNP localization complex. Moreover, eIF4AIII interacts with Mago–Y14 and thus provides a molecular link between Barentsz and the heterodimer. The mammalian Mago (also known as Magoh)–Y14 heterodimer is a component of the exon junction complex8,9,10,11. The exon junction complex is deposited on spliced mRNAs and functions in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD)9,11,12,13,14, a surveillance mechanism that degrades mRNAs with premature translation-termination codons. We show that both Barentsz and eIF4AIII are essential for NMD in human cells. Thus, we have identified eIF4AIII and Barentsz as components of a conserved protein complex that is essential for mRNA localization in flies and NMD in mammals.