Quantum annealing promises to solve complex combinatorial optimization problems faster than current transistor-based computer technologies. Although to date only one commercially-available quantum annealer is procurable, one can already start to map out the application scope of these novel optimization machines. These mid-scale programmable analog special-purpose devices could, potentially, revolutionize optimization. However, their disruptive application domain remains to be found. While the commercial analog quantum optimization machine by D-Wave Systems Inc. already exceeds 1000 qubits, here it is argued that maybe smaller devices with better quality qubits, higher connectivity, and more tunability might be better suited to answer if quantum annealing will ever truly outperform specialized silicon technology combined with efficient heuristics for optimization and sampling applications.
Funding Information
  • Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (FA8721-05-C-0002)
  • National Science Foundation (DMR-1151387)