Long‐term results with a simple surgical treatment of bilateral vocal cord paralysis

Since 1979, we have treated patients suffering from bilateral vocal cord paralysis with laterofixation of one vocal cord, a simple and comparatively atraumatic method. To evaluate the long-term results of this method of laterofixation, 11 consecutive patients were examined at least 5 years postoperatively regarding breathing capacity, voice function, and swallowing ability. Breathing capacity was assessed by determination of orolaryngeal (upper) airway resistance and spirometry. Voice function was judged by two listening panels. Swallowing ability was studied by barium contrast radiography. Postoperative improvement of breathing capacity was, in most cases, found to be long lasting. Furthermore, there was no deterioration of voice function, nor were there aspiration problems during the postoperative follow-up period. We suggest this method of laterofixation as the treatment of choice in patients suffering from breathing difficulties due to bilateral vocal cord paralysis.