Modified corneal collagen crosslinking reduces corneal oedema and diurnal visual fluctuations in Fuchs dystrophy

CXL was performed as published previously,2 with the following modification: in cases where the stroma was thicker than 450 μm after abrasion and 30 min of instillation of isoosmolar riboflavin solution, glycerol 70% solution was applied every 5 s for 2 min, and the central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured using ultrasound pachymetry (Tomey GmbH, Erlangen, Germany). Glycerol 70% solution was administered repeatedly until the target corneal thickness of 370–430 μm was reached. During irradiation (UV-X, Peschke Meditrade, Cham, Switzerland), CCT was monitored by ultrasound pachymetry …