The mounting incidence of deaths as a result of cardiovascular disease has stimulated investigators to inquire intensively into the nature and progress of the degenerative diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in an attempt to uncover possible etiologic factors and obtain data and methods for prediction in individual cases. A high percentage of all cardiovascular disease is associated with a hardening of the arteries or arteriosclerosis. The etiology of arteriosclerosis remains shrouded in mystery. Its recognition in the living subject has met with only a fair degree of success. By means of the electrocardiograph, disease of the coronary arteries can be detected fairly early in many cases. Changes in the arteriolar system, which plays such an important rôle in the regulation of arterial blood pressure may be detected in the retinal vessels with the ophthalmoscope. Then, by physical examination it is possible to judge in a rather rough and

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