Small bolus injections of intravenous midazolam for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: a study of 788 consecutive cases

1 A recent audit of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy carried out by the Royal College of Surgeons of England has shown that the majority of endoscopists use a bolus injection rather than a slow intravenous titration of benzodiazepine for intravenous sedation. In this study we have confirmed the theoretical premise that a reduced dose of midazolam is required when given as a bolus. A mean dose of 4.65 mg midazolam intravenously has been found to be effective and safe in sedating patients under 70 years (n = 552). The dose of midazolam needed is reduced in older patients: patients over 70 years (n = 236) needed a mean dose of 1.89 mg. 2 Topical pharyngeal anaesthesia was not required with these doses of midazolam, and it was our impression that the examination was equally well tolerated with a similar degree of anterograde amnesia as in the previous study. 3 Our data, together with the results of the audit, would suggest many endoscopists are employing unnecessarily large and at times potentially dangerous doses of intravenous sedation in elderly patients and that the vast majority of upper gastrointestinal endoscopies can be performed successfully, without topical pharyngeal anaesthesia, using a bolus injection techniquewith a reduced dosage of sedative agent.