Oral health in SFR Yugoslavia in 1986

A pilot oral health epidemiological survey using WHO assessment forms was conducted in Yugoslavia in the year 1986. The study population consisted of 2600 persons aged 6, 12, 15, 18, 35–4, and over 65 yr. The survey included 22 towns (11 developed and 11 underdeveloped) in the six Republics and two Provinces of Yugoslavia. The results showed the prevalence of dental caries in the Yugoslav population to be very high (98.7% in 12–yr‐olds). The mean decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMF) scores were as follows: 6.1 at age 12 yr, 9.6 at age 15, 10.9 at age 18, 18.0 at age 35–44, and 28.0 in persons aged over 65 yr. Assessment of the periodontal status showed calculus to be the predominant disorder in the age groups 18 and 35–44 yr, while loss of sextants prevailed in persons aged over 65 yr.