Improvement over Public Key Cryptographic Algorithm

In this paper, we have introduced RSA cryptosystem and its improvements. There are many cases when there is the need to enhance the decryption/signature generation speed at the cost of encryption/signature verification speed, e. g., in banks, signature generation can be in huge amount in a single day as compared to only one signature verification in the complete day at receiver side. So here in this paper the main stress is on the improvement of decryption/signature generation cost. Many methods are discussed to improve the same, e. g., Batch RSA, MultiPrime RSA, MultiPower RSA, Rebalanced RSA, RPrime RSA. The proposed approach to improve decryption/signature generation speed is given in the paper. We have tried the improvement by the combination of MultiPower RSA and Rebalanced RSA. Theoretically, the proposed scheme (for key length 2048 bits moduli) is about 14 times faster than that given by RSA with CRT and about 56 times faster than the standard RSA. Tabular and graphical comparison with other variants of RSA is also shown in the paper.

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