Studies of the Regulation of Nitrate Influx by Barley Seedlings Using 13NO3

Using 13NO3, effects of various NO3 pretreatments upon NO3 influx were studied in intact roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Klondike). Prior exposure of roots to NO3 increased NO3 influx and net NO3 uptake. This `induction' of NO3 uptake was dependent both on time and external NO3 concentration ([NO3]). During induction influx was positively correlated with root [NO3]. In the postinduction period, however, NO3 influx declined as root [NO3] increased. It is suggested that induction and negative feedback regulation are independent processes: Induction appears to depend upon some critical cytoplasmic [NO3]; removal of external NO3 caused a reduction of 13NO3 influx even though mean root [NO3] remained high. It is proposed that cytoplasmic [NO3] is depleted rapidly under these conditions resulting in `deinduction' of the NO3 transport system. Beyond 50 micromoles per gram [NO3], 13NO3 influx was negatively correlated with root [NO3]. However, it is unclear whether root [NO3] per se or some product(s) of NO3 assimilation are responsible for the negative feedback effects.