UK management guidelines for erectile dysfunction

In 1998, a working party of experts in different aspects of erectile dysfunction was drawn together to develop guidelines for managing the condition, with the support of other experts and professional bodies.1 Throughout the period of the development of these guidelines, input from the professional community was invited at every opportunity possible. This article covers the main points and recommendations of the guidelines. #### Summary points Erectile dysfunction is a major healthcare issue and acts as a marker for other common major diseases. It therefore deserves attention, consideration, proper investigation, and appropriate treatment. These guidelines should help in facilitating proper management and avoiding unnecessary expense and inconvenience. We have set out minimum standards for the investigation and management of erectile dysfunction, with comments on what should be added to the barest acceptable minimum to achieve a better standard of management. The guidelines are evidence based, as far as possible. Information came from peer reviewed articles, meetings, and presentations. Articles were chosen by electronically searching the Cochrane Library, Excerpta Medica, Medline, and Embase for randomised controlled trials on erectile dysfunction and related topics. The abstracts of all resulting references were reviewed, and original papers concerning large numbers of subjects or addressing important or contentious issues were analysed. We …