Developmental and Behavioral Aspects of Diabetes Management in Youngsters

This study examined several developmental and behavioral aspects of diabetes care in relationship to metabolic control in youngsters with diabetes These included the degree to which youngsters assumed responsibility for diabetes care, their adherence with the treatment regimen, and youngsters' and parents knowledge about diabetes Youngsters and their mothers completed a test of diabetes knowledge, mothers rated children's involvement in several aspects of diabetes care, and medical staff rated youngsters adherence with the diabetes regimen Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAI) levels indexed metabolic control Age differences were noted in that older children knew more about diabetes, assumed more responsibility for self-care, but were less adherent with certain aspects of the treatment regimen Preadolescents who assumed greater responsibility for glucose testing and measuring insulin were in poorer control than those whose families were more involved Moreover, among preadolescents, parents' knowledge of diabetes was related to metabolic control but children's knowledge was not In contrast, adolescents diabetes knowledge, but not their parents', was related to diabetes control After controlling for age, duration of diabetes, and level of adherence, it was found that youngsters who assumed more responsibility for charting glucose and eating on time were in poorer diabetic control These findings question the wisdom of encouraging youngsters' responsibility for selfcare without ensuring that diabetes management skills are implemented effectively. This study examined several developmental and behavioral aspects of diabetes care in relationship to metabolic control in youngsters with diabetes These included the degree to which youngsters assumed responsibility for diabetes care, their adherence with the treatment regimen, and youngsters' and parents knowledge about diabetes Youngsters and their mothers completed a test of diabetes knowledge, mothers rated children's...