Effect of feeding different sources of rumen-protected methionine on milk production and N-utilization in lactating dairy cows

Objectives of this study were to quantify production responses of lactating dairy cows to supplying absorbable Met as isopropyl-2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)-butanoic acid (HMBi), or rumen-protected Met (RPM, Smartamine M; Adisseo, Alpharetta, GA) fed with or without 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)-butanoic acid (HMB), and to determine whether Met supplementation will allow the feeding of reduced dietary crude protein (CP). Seventy cows were blocked by parity and days in milk into 14 blocks and randomly assigned within blocks to 1 of the 5 dietary treatments based on alfalfa and corn silages plus high-moisture corn: 1 diet with 15.6% CP and no Met source (negative control); 3 diets with 15.6% CP plus 0.17% HMBi, 0.06% RPM + 0.10% HMB, or 0.06% RPM alone; and 1 diet with 16.8% CP and no Met supplement (positive control). Assuming that 50% of ingested HMBi was absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and 80% of the Met in RPM was absorbed at intestine, the HMBi and RPM supplements increased metabolizable Met supply by 9 g/d and improved the Lys:Met ratio from 3.6 to 3.0. After a 2-wk covariate period during which all cows received the same diet, cows were fed test diets continuously for 12 wk. Diet did not affect dry matter intake (mean ± SD, 25.0±0.3 kg/d), body weight gain (0.59±0.2 kg/d), or milk yield (41.7±0.6 kg/d). However, feeding HMBi increased yield of energy-corrected milk and milk content of protein and solids-not-fat. Moreover, trends were observed for increased milk fat content and yield of fat and true protein on all 3 diets containing supplemental Met. Apparent N efficiency (milk N/N intake) was highest on the RPM treatment. Feeding 16.8% CP without a Met source elevated milk urea N and urinary excretion of urea N and total N and reduced apparent N efficiency from 34.5 to 30.2%, without improving production. Overall results suggested that feeding HMBi or RPM would give similar improvements in milk production and N utilization.
Funding Information
  • US Dairy Forage Center Research Farm