Compartments and distal outgrowth in theDrosophila imaginal wing disc

Peripheral tissue of the imaginal wing disc gives rise to the proximal mesothoracic structures of the adult. Pieces of peripheral tissue, which have no regenerative capacity when cultured as intact fragments, are capable of distal outgrowth (regeneration) after dissociation and reaggregation. This ability depends on the region of the disc periphery from which the fragment is taken. Extensive distal outgrowth occurs in reaggreages of a fragment containing equal proportions of tissue from anterior and posterior developmental compartments. The extent of outgrowth decreases as the proportion of posterior tissue is reduced, so that a fragment containing only anterior tissue shows no regeneration after dissociation. Limited distal outgrowth occurs in reaggregates of a wholly posterior fragment, but the regenerative capacity is increased greatly when a small amount of anterior tissue is included. It is concluded that distal outgrowth in the wing disc requires an interaction between cells of the anterior and posterior compartments.