Half-life ofTe130double-β decay measured with geologically qualified samples

Tellurobismuthite (Bi2 Te3) has been analyzed for Xe isotopes to determine the half-life for double-β decay of Te130. Excess Xe130 amounts to (6.18±0.18)×107 atom/g with 47.8 wt. % Te, or (1.24±0.04)×1013 for the parent/daughter ratio Te130 /130Xe. With (9.3±1.1)×107 yr for the Xe retention age of Te mineral, this provides (7.9±1.0)×1020 yr for the absolute half-life of Te130 double-β decay. With this and a literature ratio T1/2(130)/T1/2(128) of (3.52±0.11)×104, we have (2.2±0.3)×1024 yr for the absolute half-life of Te128 double-β decay. © 1996 The American Physical Society.