Drug Use and the Risk of Major Depressive Disorder, Alcohol Dependence, and Substance Use Disorders

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MANY CLINICAL and community studies have confirmed that there is a significant link between legal and illegal drug use and psychopathology.1-24 Drug use itself has been found to be significantly related to substance use disorders(SUDs),3-8,11,13-15,25 including nicotine dependence,1,3 anxiety, and affective disturbances.1,3-5,9,13,15,19,22,23 In fact, in general, drug users have both higher rates and more severe levels of psychological impairments than do individuals who do not use drugs.1,4,7,17 Yet, despite the finding that drug use is related to psychiatric disorders, it has been unclear whether drug use precedes the development of psychiatric disorders.2,15 A more complete delineation of the relationship between earlier drug use and later psychiatric disorders will contribute information for prevention and intervention.