Diverticula of the female urethra: diagnosis by endovaginal and transperineal sonography.

Diverticula of the female urethra can be difficult to diagnose. Invasive contrast studies (voiding cystourethrography or double-balloon urethrography) or urethroscopy are frequently required for definitive diagnosis. Although transabdominal sonography has been able to visualize large diverticula, this technique has not proved useful in routine screening. In this study, we examined the use of higher frequency (5 MHz) near-focus endovaginal or transperineal sonography for the diagnosis of urethral diverticula. Five patients with radiographically proved (three with double-balloon urethrography and two with voiding cystourethrography) urethral diverticula were examined with endovaginal (two cases) or transperineal (four cases) sonography. In all five cases, sonography showed the diverticula previously demonstrated on the contrast study. The spatial relationship of the diverticula to the urethra, an important consideration at surgery, was shown more clearly by sonography than by contrast radiography. These findings suggest that sonography may be useful as a noninvasive screening technique for urethral diverticula.