Scanpath clustering and aggregation

Eye tracking specialists often need to understand and represent aggregate scanning strategies, but methods to identify similar scanpaths and aggregate multiple scanpaths have been elusive. A new method is proposed here to identify scanning strategies by aggregating groups of matching scanpaths automatically. A dataset of scanpaths is first converted to sequences of viewed area names, which are then represented in a dotplot. Matching sequences in the dotplot are found with linear regressions, and then used to cluster the scanpaths hierarchically. Aggregate scanning strategies are generated for each cluster and presented in an interactive dendrogram. While the clustering and aggregation method works in a bottom-up fashion, based on pair-wise matches, a top-down extension is also described, in which a scanning strategy is first input by cursor gesture, then matched against the dataset. The ability to discover both bottom-up and top-down strategy matches provides a powerful tool for scanpath analysis, and for understanding group scanning strategies.