Low salt concentrations prevent reassociation of separated single strands of DNA, but not the renaturation of partially melted molecules. Rewinding, however, may be delayed (hysteresis) and/or incomplete (partial irreversibility). Long-range fluctuations in base compositioncould account for these observations: (a) the “zippering-up” of a denatured (G + C)-rich section may have to await that of one of its neighbouring (A + T)-rich sections, hence a temperature lag in rewinding; (b) the removal of intramolecular heterogeneities in base composition by fragmentation will give rise to a dispersal of strand-separation temperatures. Conversely, it is shown how a considerable amount of information about the topology of base distribution constraints could be derived from these phenomena. Some yeast ρ (petite) mitochondrial DNAs, the melting of which is quasidiscontinuous, provide an excellent opportunity for testing the applicability of this new approach to denaturation mapping. Alternating partial denaturation and renaturation with a low rate of temperature change were followed by high-frequency recording of absorbance at 260 nm. A typical experiment (counterion concentration 0.015 m-Na+) carried out on a low-complexity (length of repetitive unit about 3000 base-pairs) ρ DNA is reported in full detail. Analysis of the data disclosed the existence of two relatively (G + C)-rich clusters separated by long homogeneous stretches of high (A + T) content. The rewinding of ρ DNAs is a discontinuous process. Both equilibrium and non-equilibrium melting processes were observed. Hysteresis in rewinding, which is restricted to the melting range, increases discontinuously with the extent of unwinding reached prior to cooling. Results are shown to be fully consistent with a model that presupposes that nucleation does not play any part in the renaturation process. They are briefly discussed further in the light of current concepts in the theory of helix-coil transitions of DNA.