Effects of fatiguing exercise on high‐energy phosphates, force, and EMG: Evidence for three phases of recovery

Experiments were designed to evaluate the relative contribution of impulse propagation failure, high‐energy phosphate depletion, lowered pH, and impaired excitation‐contraction coupling to human muscle fatigue and recovery. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements were made on adductor pollicis muscle, together with simultaneous measurements of M‐wave, force, and rectified integrated EMG (RIEMG). During fatigue, maximum voluntary contraction force (MVC) fell by 90%, pH fell from 7.1 to 6.4, and phosphocreatine was almost totally depleted. Neuromuscular efficiency (NME = force/RIEMG) was reduced to 40% of control at the end of the fatiguing contraction, and the M wave was reduced in amplitude and prolonged in duration. Following exercise, the M wave returned to normal within 4 minutes. pH, high‐energy phosphates, and MVC recovered within 20 minutes. By contrast, neuromuscular efficiency did not recover within 60 minutes. These findings indicate three different components of fatigue. The first is reflected by the altered M wave and indicates impaired muscle membrane excitation and impulse propagation. The second, associated with reduced MVC, correlates with the metabolic state of the muscle (PCr and pH). The third, indicated by reduced NME, is independent of changes in high‐energy phosphates and pH and is probably due to impaired excitation‐contraction coupling.