Anogenital warts and human papillomavirus: knowledge, perceived nuisance and risk perception in Dutch soldiers

Genital warts are one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands and cause both frustration and misinterpretation in young adults. Poor knowledge may be associated with shame and depression. We used questionnaires to study knowledge, perceived nuisance and risk perception in 100 predominantly heterosexual men with clinically-confirmed condylomata acuminata. Our data show that the majority of patients considered having warts as (very) bothersome. Results confirmed the Internet as a widely used information source. Incorrect information on the relationship between warts and both anogenital cancers and infertility was widespread. Results from knowledge questionnaires showed that higher knowledge scores were associated with higher perceived nuisance. We hypothesize that high levels of nuisance related to genital warts may stimulate the need to seek information and therefore increase knowledge. It does not seem likely that an increase of human papillomavirus-related knowledge would increase experiences of nuisance.

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