A Case-Control Dietary Study of Primary Liver Cancer Risk from Aflatoxin Exposure*

Bulatao-Jayme J [Food and Nutrition Research Institute, PO Box EA 467, Ermita, Manila 2801, Philippines], Almero E M, Castro Ma C A, Jardeleza Ma T R and Salamat L A. A case-control dietary study of primary liver cancer risk from aflatoxin exposure. International Journal of Epidemiology 1982, 11: 112–119. Upon grouping dietary aflatoxin loads (and alcohol intakes) into Heavy and Light, and upon comparing cases versus controls, the relative risk (RR) of developing primary liver cancer was found to be statistically significant in the following order of rank: cassava, peanuts, sweet potato, corn and alcohol. Boiled rice which had negligible aftatoxin content gave no difference in risk. Combining aflatoxin load and alcohol intake gave a synergistic and a statistically significant effect on RR with Light Aflatoxin, Light Alcohol as RR = 1. Results: Light Aflatoxin, Heavy Alcohol RR = 3.9; Heavy Aflatoxin, Light Alcohol RR = 17.5; Heavy Aflatoxin, Heavy Alcohol RR = 35.0.