A comparative study on the expression of cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase during cerebral ischemia in humans

Prostaglandins and leukotrienes (eicosanoids), metabolites of the arachidonic acid pathway, are subjected to altered synthesis or relocation after an ischemic insult. Although cyclooxygenase (COX) expression has been reported in human cerebral ischemia, no information is available on the expression of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) and its topographical correlation to COX induction. The objective of this study was to elucidate the comparative distribution of eicosanoids in ischemic tissues. COX and 5- LO, key enzymes for the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, respectively, were examined in autopsied brains. COX1 was expressed intensely in the microglia but weakly in the neurons in control brains. These COX1-immunoreactive microglia showed a more activated form following ischemic damage and hypoxemia. In contrast, COX2 was absent in the control brains, and was induced robustly in the neuronal cell bodies and dendrites during the acute stages of focal ischemic damage, and then subsided at the subacute stages. These COX2-immunoreactive neurons accumulated in the peri-infarct regions, but were absent from the distant regions. In focal ischemic damage and Binswanger's disease, COX2 was up-regulated in the microglia. Neuronal immunostaining for 5-LO was up-regulated occasionally during hypoxemia and focal ischemic damage. Glial cells immunoreactive for 5-LO appeared in the foci of the ischemic damage, with small blood vessels being infiltrated by 5-LO-immunoreactive mononuclear leukocytes. These findings indicate that the isozymes of COX are differentially regulated depending on the cellular source and the types of ischemic damage, and that vascular 5-LO may accelerate the migration of leukocytes and augment the blood-brain barrier permeability. The possibility of increased substrate availability for the other should be noticed in specific inhibition of either COX or 5-LO since these two enzymes are accumulated in parallel in ischemic tissues.