This study set out to determine the incidence of right-sided ovarian cystic teratoma. The author examined 270 cases of ovarian cystic teratoma. In this series, ovarian dermoids were more frequently found on the right ovary than the left ovary. The primary data were obtained over two decades and include both retrospective and prospective review. The data included the clinical history of each patient, pelvic sonography examination, and microscopic and/or surgical findings reports. Data used were limited to proven cases of ovarian cystic teratoma shown by sonography and confirmed by histology. Results demonstrate that 195 dermoids (72.22%) were located on the right ovary, 47 dermoids were found on the left side (17.41%), and 28 dermoids were found bilaterally (10.37%). The results indicate that the incidence of unilateral dermoids occurs more often on the right side.