A technique is described for obtaining a photographic record of the movement of a single living cilium and of recording the position of the cilium at suitable intervals of time. At 15[degree]C. the ab-frontal cilia of Mytilus have a cycle of approximately 0.35-0.45 sec.; the lateral cilia, 0.1-0.05 sec. The wave of curvature which passes along these cilia travels with an average velocity of 0.5 mm. per sec. The form of a metachronal wave can be reconstructed from the form of beat of its constituent cilia. Metachronal waves on the lateral epithelium of Mytilus travel at an approximate velocity of 160 [mu] per sec. at 15[degree]C. and with a frequency of 16 per sec. The difference in phase between two adjacent cilia in the lateral epithelium lies between 0.001-0.003 sec.