Bacterial flora accompanying Candida yeasts in clinical specimens

From 1986 to 1988, in the pre-fluconazole era, 67 765 clinical specimens from the Göttingen University Hospital were investigated for bacteria and fungi in our institution. Oral and throat swabs, respiratory secretions, gastric juices, faeces, urine, genital swabs, blood, wound secretions and skin swabs were analysed for yeast-like fungi, and opportunistic or pathogenic bacteria. A total of 5195 specimens (7.7%) yielded Candida spp. alone or in combination with bacteria (fungal (F-) group) and 62 570 specimens yielded bacteria only or remained sterile (non-fungal group, N-group). Elevated rates of accompanying bacteria were detected with Candida spp. colonizing blood, urine, and skin. Among the dominant bacterial isolates, the distribution of staphylococci and enterococci did not reflect a distinct association pattern. Among the enterobacterial isolates from patients in intensive care, colonization patterns of the throat, gastric juices, and faeces reflected the use of a selective decontamination of the digestive tract (SDD). A statistically significant association between Candida and enterobacteria of the genus Enterobacter which was unaffected by SDD, was observed throughout this study. Such an association pattern was also observed, to a lesser extent, with the related genera Klebsiella and Serratia, but not with Escherichia coli.