Nurses in community settings are frequently exposed to elderly persons who receive a significant amount of physical and/of psychosocial support from one or more informal caregivers. Although numerous investigations exist examining stress and coping in persons who provide such care for elderly persons, little is known about the caregiver's status once full-time caregiving ceases. This study describes emotional and physical components of caregiving stress in a convenience sample of 124 caregivers. Of these, 31 had placed their charge in a nursing home, while 93 had not. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) between placed-nonplaced groups revealed no significant differences in the total score or Role and Personal Strain subscales of the Burden Interview (J. Zarit & S. Zarit, 1983). Implications for community health nursing practice involve providing ongoing counseling and support of the caregiver and his or her charge, preparing both for the placement experience should it be indicated, and continued follow-up care post-placement. Greater collaboration between community-based and institutionally based nurses can facilitate implementation of these strategies.