Thallium-201 for myocardial imaging. Relation of thallium-201 to regional myocardial perfusion.

Following intravenous administration, the myocardial concentration of tracer thallium-201, potassium-43, and rubidium-81 were determined in mice; thallium was present in the greatest concentration in the myocardium (2.08% compared 1.25% for potassium and 1.15% for rubidium at 10 minutes). The regional myocardial distribution of thallium-201 was determined in dogs under conditions of normal flow, and total occlusion, and compared with potassium-43 (r=0.97). The regional distribution of thallium-201 was compared to microspheres under conditions of partial occlusion and reactive hyperemia (r=0.97). Thallium-201 was evaluated in a series of phantom scans, which demonstrated that the low energy X-ray of thallium was suitable for imaging. These results suggest that thallium-201 can be used for the evaluation of the distribution of regional myocardial perfusion.