Xylene Exposure Electronystagmographic and Gaschromatographic Studies in Rabbits

Complaints of vertigo from people who are exposed to industrial solvents have focused interest on their toxic effect on the nervous system. In order to evaluate the influence of an organic solvent, xylene, on the mammalian vestibular system, a series of rabbit experiments were performed. To achieve a constant concentration, the xylene was infused as a lipid emulsion. Blood concentrations were estimated by gas chromatography. Elec-tronystagmography in darkness revealed that at blood xylene concentrations of 30 ppm all rabbits had a positional nystagmus. The beat direction was the opposite of positional alcohol nystagmus. Another difference between the alcohol and the xylene reaction was that rotatory nystagmus responses were exaggerated. The relations between the present findings and the reactions and blood concentrations in people exposed to industrial solvents are discussed.