Stage T1, Grade 3 Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder: An Unfavorable Tumor?

Transurethral resection only was performed in 172 patients with initial stage Ta, T1 transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Additional treatment during the course of disease was given to 9 patients with carcinoma in situ and to 8 patients with tumor progression. The mean followup was 106 months. The 10-year survival rates were 95 per cent for patients with stage Ta, grade 1 disease, 89 per cent for stage Ta, grade 2, 84 per cent for stage Ta, grade 3, 78 per cent for stage T1, grade 2 and 50 per cent for stage T1, grade 3. The percentage of first tumor recurrence at the same site increased with tumor grade (stage T1, grade 3 and 74 per cent). The recurrence rate in stage T1, grade 3 tumors (4.08) differed significantly from the other groups of superficial tumors. The tumor progression rate for stage T1, grade 3 tumors (32.5 percent) was significantly higher as well. The characteristics of stage T1, grade 3 tumors with and without progression were different in regard to multiplicity, recurrence rate, mean interval to recurrence and type of tumor invasion. Of the 13 patients who died of progressive neoplastic disease 11 presented initially with stage T1, grade 3 tumors. When these results are considered it is obvious that a patient with a stage T1, grade 3 tumor deserves additional therapy, such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy or phototherapy.