Imaging of the Cornea: Topography vs Tomography

Doi:10.3928/1081597X-20101006-01 A t times technical advancements are signifi cant enough to warrant a change or revision in ter-minology. For example, the classifi cation and proper terminology of laser corneal surgery have been previously addressed so that surgeons and investigators around the world would “make sense in keratospeaking.”1 This is also the case when newer diagnostic instrumentation offers either more or dif-ferent information than was previously available. It is our belief that we have reached that point with newer methods of imaging the cornea and anterior segment, thereby, revisiting the “keratospeak ” regarding the ter-minology for corneal characterization.2 The era of computerized corneal surface analysis known as “topography ” was introduced in the mid-1980s, when algorithms for surface reconstruction o