Managing Vesicant Extravasations

Learning Objectives: After completing this course, the reader will be able to: Describe how vesicant chemotherapy drugs can extravasate from implanted ports.Recommend procedures to obtain a blood return from central venous access devices.Evaluate the signs and symptoms of a vesicant extravasation.Administer the FDA-approved vesicant extravasation treatments and antidotes. CME Access and take the CME test online and receive 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ at Extravasation is an unusual but potentially severe complication of vesicant chemotherapy administration. Some extravasation injuries prompt litigation and the oncologist's actions, or lack of action, are scrutinized in the courtroom. This article presents advice and recommendations for treating patients who receive vesicants and includes a discussion of FDA-approved vesicant extravasation treatments and antidotes.