Chromosomal Changes in Soft-Tissue Sarcomas

• A cytogenetic study was performed on short-term cultures from fresh surgical specimens obtained from 41 patients with soft-tissue sarcomas of various histologic origins. The results demonstrated that myxoid liposarcomas (five tumors) were associated with a specific translocation between chromosomes 12 and 16 and that synovial sarcomas (six tumors) were associated with a specific translocation between the X chromosome and chromosome 18. These chromosomal data have been used to differentiate myxoid liposarcoma from other myxoid tumors exhibiting a noncharacteristic histologic picture, as well as to ascertain the diagnosis of synovial sarcoma in undifferentiated soft-tissue sarcomas. The results to date indicate that identification of specific chromosomal changes in sarcomas may provide a new diagnostic criterion for these tumors and possibly improve prognostication with regard to survival and response to treatment. (Arch Surg1987;122:1257-1260)