The effect of long-lasting insecticidal water container covers on field populations of Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquitoes in Cambodia

Dengue in Cambodia is mainly transmitted by Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquitoes that primarily breed in large, concrete jars (≥200 liters) used for the storage of water for domestic use. Following a preliminary risk assessment, long-lasting insecticidal netting (LN) treated with deltamethrin was incorporated into the design of the covers for these jars. Their effect on immature and adult female populations of Ae. aegypti in six villages in a peri-urban area of Cambodia were compared with populations in six nearby control villages before and for 22 weeks after distribution of the jar covers. There were significantly fewer pupae per house in intervention villages than in control villages (6.6 and 31.9, respectively, p<0.01). Fewer pupae were recovered from intervention houses than from control houses at every post-intervention assessment. Two weeks after the intervention, the average number of indoor resting female Ae. aegypti per house in the intervention villages had declined approximately three-fold, whereas in the controls there was only a slight reduction (16%). The magnitude of the difference between the two areas diminished over time, which contact bioassays confirmed was likely due to a gradual reduction of insecticidal effect of the jar covers. In the study area, insecticide-treated covers for large concrete water storage jars were efficacious for controlling Ae. aegypti in the protected water jars and with a demonstrable effect on adult densities and survival. Further studies of this targeted container strategy in Cambodia, and elsewhere, are recommended. However, improvements in technology that would extend the duration of insecticidal effectiveness of LN materials may be needed for the development of cost-effective public health applications.

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