Cats were used to determine how degeneration was distributed in Clarke''s column after sectioning spinal roots. When dorsal roots were cut the degeneration in Clarke''s column was ipsilateral. Degeneration may extend over 7 segments after cutting a single dorsal root; there is considerable overlapping of these fibers. After cutting any sacral root degeneration occurs throughout the column in the caudal distribution of the degeneration and in the dorsomedial part in the rostral distribution. After cutting any of the lumbar or the 13th thoracic dorsal roots the degeneration seen in the column lies in the lateral part in the caudal region, in the dorsomedial part in the rostral region, and throughout the column in the intervening segments. After cutting any of the 8th to the 2d thoracic dorsal roots degeneration lies in the lateral part in the caudal distribution, and throughout the column in the rostral distribution of the degeneration. Degenerating fibers were not found in Clarke''s column when the 1st thoracic and the cervical dorsal roots were cut.