Preliminary observations on brain energy metabolism in migraine studied by in vivo phosphorus 31 NMR spectroscopy

We measured brain energy phosphate metabolism and intracellular pH (pH1) in a cross-sectional study of migraine patients by in vivo phosphorus 31 NMR spectroscopy. During a migraine attack the ratio ATP/total phosphate signal (mole % ATP) was preserved, but there waa a decrease in mole % phosphocreatine (PCr) and an increase in mole % inorganic phosphate (Pi) resulting in a decrease of the PCr/Pi ratio, an index of brain phosphorylation potential. This was found in chic but not common migraine. Mole % Pi waa also increased in combined brain regions between attacks. There waa no alteration in brain pH1 during or between attacks. Energy phosphate metabolism but not pH1 appears disordered during a migraine attack.