Findings in surgery for chronic otitis media. A retrospective data-analysis of 2225 cases followed for 2 years

Data on middle ear disease and follow-up was recorded and analysed in 2225 ears operated on for chronic otitis media between 1958 and 1975. The closure rate of tympanic membrane perforations (70-80%) was not influenced by the presence of otorrhoea, but it was significantly lower in patients aged below 15 or over 40 yr and especially when tympanic membrane homograft had been used. For all types of tympanoplasty the mean improvement in air-conduction threshold was most marked at the lower frequencies, being some 10 dB in Type I, 15 dB in Type II and 8 dB in Type III and IV and it decreased by some 3 dB per octave. The combination of cholesteatoma and tympanosclerosis appeared to be rare. The post-operative incidence of otorrhoea was 10-15% after modified radical mastoidectomy and 20-25% after radical mastoidectomy.

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