In vitro efficiency of endodontic irrigation solutions on protein desorption

The use of irrigating solutions is widely accepted as a necessary adjunct to biomechanical preparation to obtain adequate cleansing of the root canal system. In this study, the efficiency of three solutions was tested in an in vitro experimental system for the removal of protein from apatite surfaces: Salvizol (a bis-dequalinium acetate solution) and sodium hypochlorite at 0.5, 1, 3 and 6% at pH 7.4 and 11.5. Buffered Tris-HCl solutions at pH 7.4 and 11.5 were used as controls. All chemicals showed rapid kinetics effects since no variation of the process could be detected after 5 min. Salvizol was the least efficient solution since it induced only a 2% protein desorption. Sodium hypochlorite efficiency increased with concentration to reach a 70% protein desorption from the apatite surface. In general, alkaline solutions were more efficient than buffered ones, and the ionic strength did not appear to have a major effect on the protein desorption process.