Conditional recovery of time-reversal symmetry in many nucleus systems

Propagation of non-topological soliton in many-nucleus systems is studied based on time-dependent density functional calculations with focusing on mass and energy dependence. The dispersive property and the nonlinearity of the system, which are inherently included in the nuclear density functional, are essential factors to form a non-topological soliton. On the other hand the soliton propagation is prevented by the charge equilibration dynamics, and the competition possibly appears. In this article, based on the energy-dependence of the two competitive factors, the concept of conditional recovery of time-reversal symmetry is proposed in many nucleus systems. It clarifies a possibility of preserving nuclear medium inside natural or artificial nuclear reactors, under a suitable temperature. From an astrophysical point of view, the existence of the low-temperature solitonic core of compact stars is suggested.
Funding Information
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science