Orally Administered Targeted Recombinant Beta-Lactamase Prevents Ampicillin-Induced Selective Pressure on the Gut Microbiota: a Novel Approach to Reducing Antimicrobial Resistance

Antibiotics that are excreted into the intestinal tract promote antibiotic resistance by exerting selective pressure on the gut microbiota. Using a beagle dog model, we show that an orally administered targeted recombinant β-lactamase enzyme eliminates the portion of parenteral ampicillin that is excreted into the small intestine, preventing ampicillin-induced changes to the fecal microbiota without affecting ampicillin levels in serum. In dogs receiving ampicillin, significant disruption of the fecal microbiota and the emergence of ampicillin-resistant Escherichia coli and TEM genes were observed, whereas in dogs treated with ampicillin in combination with an oral β-lactamase, these did not occur. These results suggest a new strategy for reducing antimicrobial resistance in humans.