Genuine multiqubit entanglement and controlled teleportation

We construct a genuine (2N+1)-qubit entangled state to perform controlled teleportation of an arbitrary N-qubit state. The constructed state is a complementarity to the genuine 2N-qubit entangled state constructed by Yeo and Chua for N=2 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 060502 (2006)] and by Chen, Zhu, and Guo for any N [Phys. Rev. A 74, 032324 (2006)]. We also quantify the entanglement of the state and classify it with the well-known GHZ and W states by means of the recently proposed generalized global entanglement and the associated auxiliary measures [Phys. Rev. A 74, 022314 (2006)]. Our study is of general importance with respect to exploring and exploiting the genuine multiqubit entanglement.