The implication of oxidative stress (OS) in diabetes is a major concern for the development of therapeutics aimed at improving the metabolic and/or vascular dysfunctions of this burdening disease. Ample evidence is available suggesting that OS is present in essentially all tissues and can even be observed in prediabetic states. This raises the question of the origin of OS and suggests that, although hyperglycemia is largely linked with free radical production, its role may mainly be the aggravation of a preexisting state. Indeed other factors are also causally linked to OS, such as hormones and lipids. The main debate is about the pertinence of antioxidant therapy since the large scale clinical trials performed recently have essentially failed to show any significant improvement in metabolic or vascular disturbances of diabetic patients. However this conclusion must be tempered by the fact that they have mainly been using vitamin E +/‐C; indeed many arguments suggest that either the choice or the application modalities of these substances may have been inadequate. Potential reasons for the actual failure of antioxidant therapy in diabetes are discussed; the indisputable involvement of OS in this disease still leaves hope for alternative therapeutic approaches.