Ant Colony Optimization for Mixed-Variable Optimization Problems

In this paper, we introduce ACO MV : an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm that extends the ACO R algorithm for continuous optimization to tackle mixed-variable optimization problems. In ACO MV , the decision variables of an optimization problem can be explicitly declared as continuous, ordinal, or categorical, which allows the algorithm to treat them adequately. ACO MV includes three solution generation mechanisms: a continuous optimization mechanism (ACO R ), a continuous relaxation mechanism (ACO MV -o) for ordinal variables, and a categorical optimization mechanism (ACO MV -c) for categorical variables. Together, these mechanisms allow ACO MV to tackle mixed-variable optimization problems. We also define a novel procedure to generate artificial, mixed-variable benchmark functions, and we use it to automatically tune ACO MV 's parameters. The tuned ACO MV is tested on various real-world continuous and mixed-variable engineering optimization problems. Comparisons with results from the literature demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of ACO MV on mixed-variable optimization problems.
Funding Information
  • European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) by ERC (246939)
  • Meta-X project from the Scientific Research Directorate of the French Community of Belgium
  • Belgian F.R.S.- FNRS
  • China Scholarship Council