Anomalous Metallic State in the Vicinity of Metal to Valence-Bond Solid Insulator Transition inLiVS2

We investigate LiVS2 and LiVSe2 with a triangular lattice as itinerant analogues of LiVO2 known for the formation of a valence-bond solid (VBS) state out of an S=1 frustrated magnet. LiVS2, which is located at the border between a metal and a correlated insulator, shows a first order transition from a paramagnetic metal to a VBS insulator at Tc305K upon cooling. The presence of a VBS state in the close vicinity of insulator-metal transition may suggest the importance of itinerancy in the formation of a VBS state. We argue that the high temperature metallic phase of LiVS2 has a pseudogap, likely originating from the VBS fluctuation. LiVSe2 was found to be a paramagnetic metal down to 2 K.