NewμSR spectrometer at J-PARC MUSE based onKalliopedetectors

We developed a new positron detector system called Kalliope, which is based on multi-pixel avalanch photo-diode (m-APD), application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), field programmable gated array (FPGA) and ethernet-based SiTCP data transfer technology. We have manufactured a general-purpose spectrometer for muon spin relaxation (μSR) measurements, employing 40 Kalliope units (1280 channels of scintillators) installed in a 0.4 T longitudinal-field magnet. The spectrometer has been placed at D1 experimental area of J- PARC Muon Science Establishment (MUSE). Since February of 2014, the spectrometer has been used for the user programs of MUSE after a short commissioning period of one week. The data accumulation rate of the new spectrometer is 180 million positron events per hour (after taking the coincidence of two scintillators of telescopes) from a 20×20 mm sample for double-pulsed incoming muons.

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