CTCF cis-Regulates Trinucleotide Repeat Instability in an Epigenetic Manner: A Novel Basis for Mutational Hot Spot Determination

At least 25 inherited disorders in humans result from microsatellite repeat expansion. Dramatic variation in repeat instability occurs at different disease loci and between different tissues; however, cis-elements and trans-factors regulating the instability process remain undefined. Genomic fragments from the human spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) locus, containing a highly unstable CAG tract, were previously introduced into mice to localize cis-acting “instability elements,” and revealed that genomic context is required for repeat instability. The critical instability-inducing region contained binding sites for CTCF—a regulatory factor implicated in genomic imprinting, chromatin remodeling, and DNA conformation change. To evaluate the role of CTCF in repeat instability, we derived transgenic mice carrying SCA7 genomic fragments with CTCF binding-site mutations. We found that CTCF binding-site mutation promotes triplet repeat instability both in the germ line and in somatic tissues, and that CpG methylation of CTCF binding sites can further destabilize triplet repeat expansions. As CTCF binding sites are associated with a number of highly unstable repeat loci, our findings suggest a novel basis for demarcation and regulation of mutational hot spots and implicate CTCF in the modulation of genetic repeat instability. The human genome contains many repetitive sequences. In 1991, we discovered that excessive lengthening of a three-nucleotide (trinucleotide) repeat sequence could cause a human genetic disease. We now know that this unique type of genetic mutation, known as a “repeat expansion,” occurs in at least 25 different diseases, including inherited neurological disorders such as the fragile X syndrome of mental retardation, myotonic muscular dystrophy, and Huntington's disease. An interesting feature of repeat expansion mutations is that they are genetically unstable, meaning that the repeat expansion changes in length when transmitted from parent to offspring. Thus, expanded repeats violate one major tenet of genetics—i.e., that any given sequence has a low likelihood for mutation. For expanded repeats, the likelihood of further mutation approaches 100%. Understanding why expanded repeats are so mutable has been a challenging problem for genetics research. In this study, we implicate the CTCF protein in the repeat expansion process by showing that mutation of a CTCF binding site, next to an expanded repeat sequence, increases genetic instability in mice. CTCF is an important regulatory factor that controls the expression of genes. As binding sites for CTCF are associated with many repeat sequences, CTCF may play a role in regulating genetic instability in various repeat diseases—not just the one we studied.